Ngāti Whare
Tūwatawata te Maunga
Whirinaki te Awa
Ngāti Whare te Iwi
Wharepakau te Tangata
Ngāti Whare’s customary rohe extends through the west and the south-west Urewera ranges and parts of the upper Rangitaiki/Kaingaroa region.
Ngāti Whare takes its name from its ancestor Wharepakau, who overcame Te Marangaranga, the original inhabitants of the western Urewera/Kaingaroa area, in the early 1600s. Ngāti Whare and their close kin Ngāti Manawa have remained resident on these lands ever since.
View Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Whare Trust website at www.ngā